Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Wayward Email

This is a poster for an upcoming production from the Surfside Players Theatre Troupe called "The Wayward Email".  An earlier design of the poster was posted as a combined 2-show postcard (click here for link).  The play is a farce in which a man wants to send an email to his girlfriend inviting her to meet him at a resort for a romantic weekend, and accidently sends it to his entire address book instead.  Hilarity ensues, of course.

The inspiration for this poster was obviously a Windows-style computer window open like an email.  Although it is a simple design, I had a lot of fun recreating the Windows look from scratch.  As with a lot of these theater posters, there is a lot of information to put in a small amount of space, but I wanted to make sure the heart icon was the central focus.  To further the theme, I tried to make the playwright, director, and dates like the To: From: and Subject: lines of an email, with the details as the body.  11:47 am was actually when I finishing up the design, so I tossed that on there for the Windows clock.  Good luck with the performance, Surfside!

1 comment:

  1. haha, that's funny!! looks a bit more like those annoying pop-up ads, but same difference. :)
